This is the flesh, thinking you must worry, give way to anxiety or unease. These allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulties or troubles. Some of the similar words of worry are fret, dwell on panic, or lose sleep. These are only a few I have mentioned. Ask yourself, are any of these dominating you. I have a question, are you in Him? In Christ? Some people will say I can’t help it; that’s just me. I don’t want to worry, I don’t want to be like this. I must tell you if I can get better so can you! In first grade my teacher put me on a rocking chair and said you can sit here because all you’re doing is thinking and crying over your mom and brother and you’re not paying attention or learning. At the time I thought this was mean and this followed me for years. I was called the worrier, and I thought that’s what I had to do but good news. Years later I mean a couple of years ago I found out who I was in Christ, and I am free!!! But I want to tell you it wasn’t easy to break and I want to tell you there are times and circumstances that I could be worrying but the Christ in me shakes it off sooner than later!Like Joyce Meyer says worry is like sitting in a rocking chair, that’s always in motion and it keeps you busy, but it never gets us anywhere. In fact, if we do it for too long it wears us out!
Philippians 4:6 don’t be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and thanksgiving, also you cast your cares upon Him.
1 Peter 5:7 because He cares for you, what bothers you bothers the Lord.
The quicker you learn to give it to Him and allow Him to solve our problems and meet our needs we will be able to enjoy the life that the Lord has given us.